Some guy just sat down near me with a hot dog. Not cool. SOOO hungry. Oh that smells delicious. Now I'm digging myself a hole while being tortured by the alluring smell of ketchup mustard and sauerkraut. Killer.
School is a conundrum. The closer I get to catching up, the further behind I'm getting. Its a bitch and a half. I miss the feeling of just being DONE. I wanna be done. Be able to take things on one day at a time. That kind of thing. Nope! I procrastinate too much for that. :)
OK Hot Dog Man. Could you enjoy your food any more? Eat anymore slowly? AHHHH!!!!!!
Thats it. I'm gonna go find myself something that looks a little like this:
And I'm going to enjoy it, DAMNIT!
i wanna be done too. fuck school.
your hair looks good
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