Thursday, September 18, 2008

Getting through the headache

What a gorgeous day on the DU lawn. An abundance of tables are scattered throughout the pathways, everyone posting signs that say "Nader '08" or "Democracy Matters" or, my personal least favorite "McCain '08". Luckily, the signs that say "Obama" are the ones most people are swarming around. But there is a disturbing abundance of said Nader signs. This confuses me. Why vote for a candidate that is sure to lose? If you are hoping for change, as Nader clearly is, why not vote for someone who is more likely to win? I was asked on my way to class more than once to switch my voter registration to the green party, which I hurriedly declined. All these votes are doing is taking away a chance for change. You might as well vote for the republicans.

Oh, politics today. Most people who vote really have no idea what they are voting for. Hopefully some will wise up before the 4th.

Being at school sick sucks. This headache won't go away. I'm holding on, though. Three more hours and I'll be at home taking a spectacular nap. Oh how I long for Ibuprofen.


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