I'm having a little bit of a crisis. Just a little.
I think maybe school is pushing me over the edge. I feel like I'm trying so hard to care about things, but I can't. Its hard to explain. Its like a fuzz in my mind. I can't focus, I can't organize my thoughts, I can't organize anything really. My memory is also very... foggy. I can barely remember things that happened last week, let alone years ago. I have trouble piecing together things that happen over even a series of days.
I don't know. I'm probably overreacting. But its extremely frustrating.
I feel like whatever this is is also restricting the friendships I have. Its like I'm displaced from everyone else. I feel like I can barely hold down a relationship anymore. I don't notice when people care about me. Gosh this all sounds so dumb. I guess I'm just a little mixed up. I don't really know how to put into words how I'm feeling.
I'm very sad, as well, that Bailey is leaving. She is an amazing person that I feel I did not get to know as well as I would have liked to. I'm sure I had many chances but just never noticed them, or never took the opportunity. I guess I've closed myself off for the past few years. Anyway, I'm sure I'll see her again, and perhaps get the chance to know her a little better, but despite that I'm still sad that she'll be so far away. I'm so happy for her, and I know that she'll continue to do great things with her life. She seems like such a strong person. She's made quite an impression on everyone she knows. I just wish.. I don't know, just wishes.
Again, I sound like a crazy person.
Maybe I am a little bit crazy. :(
But on to happier subjects! I'm not that sick anymore! Everything still sounds a little bit like its underwater (stupid ears) but other than that I feel like maybe I can function again.
I hope.
Oh I'm just all sorts of down in the dumps. I think maybe I'll work on writing my book. Maybe.
See you all on the flip side!
"Hope is the dream of a man awake."-French Proverb
Edit: I forgot to say! The masters are up! (If myspace is not being a pain)