I'm happy that I made it :)
And then we went bowling!!! Yess....
Some videos for your viewing enjoyment.
Jordan's Sixth Gutterball (in a row)
I think they're too high for this.
Jordan's first pins!!
What a silly good time.
Finally, arriving in Pojoaque at 1:00 am (and following Jean for a good amount: Match course and speed... Engage!), instead of sleeping we decided to stargaze. My dad owns a bi
And: Snow on Thanksgiving. Of course. looked at Jupiter, and a h

(These photos (except for the galaxy) are through the same kind of telescope as my dad's. However we do not use a filter so you can see the stars and moons around the planets. They are a little enlarged. Orion's Nebula looked more like the one on the right. It was hard to find a photo that was close to the amazing view we saw. It was so clear! Beautiful.)
After that we went to a glorious Thanksgiving dinner at the Provans. Mmmm Heidi's applesauce and Dana's gravy. And I
Of course it snowed on thanksgiving.
I forgot to say that we had a little wine-fest the day before Thanksgiving as well. My morning was, if anything, tough. But I did conquer the world in Jordan's name at Risk. Yess.... although Sydney did insist on keeping the Congo. I'm not sure why.
I saw some people that I hadn't seen in a while. JP and Becca after the meal, and then on the trip to Albuquerque the next day we happened to stop at the Bobcat Bite. Unfortunately the wait was too long for us, but who did we see? Christian of Boulder, CO. What are the odds.
In Albuquerque we met with Tyler and Brittany, Janelle, Emmy, Jersey, and two new friends, Lindsey and
It was great to see good friends with similar interests. I met the nicest Jehovah's witnesses I have ever met who enjoyed our music as much as we do. We went to Frontier, where Carli was out of the blue!! It's been too long. I miss all the people worth seeing in New Mexico. Unfortunately I didn't get to all of them. Next time :). All in all, it was a good trip.
And now, after a trip to Maria's for some quality New Mexican grub and the best breakfast burrito I have had since Chiliworks, Jordan and I were ready to make our way back to Denver. The long and perilous journey awaited. Yet we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. *DUM DUM DUUUM* (cue suspenseful music)...
It all started smooth sailing. Taos wasn't even bad. The views were beautiful. It was the normal beautiful day, interesting conversation, great music. I appreciate New Mexico every once in a while. Just not Los Alamos. :)
This is my "not again" face.
And it was a very, very long time.
We didn't even know what to be prepared for. It finally cleared up a little about 4 miles out of Colorado Springs, but the roads were still really bad. The fastest I was going was 35mph until Castle Rock. We ended up getting to Marb's house at about midnight. And I was pissed, because it was Sunday and we couldn't get liquor. Ha.
And now I think this might be the longest blog I've ever written in my life. Its probably full of errors and completely uninteresting, and if you got this far I admire you. Today was a hell of a day. I had two too many big ass needles stuck in my buttcheeks, and drank one too many disgusting big glasses of icky medicine that made me numb and sleepy. We had to cancel our show because of me. :( This makes me really sad. And the drugs made me super woozy. Which could explain the length and possible errors in this entry. Forgive me?
Anyway, I hope everyone had a magnificent Thanksgiving. More pictures from the trip to come soon. Don't worry, hopefully I won't be bored as hell and stuck on the couch, so they will not be included with long ass ramblings. :)
And now I think this might be the longest blog I've ever written in my life. Its probably full of errors and completely uninteresting, and if you got this far I admire you. Today was a hell of a day. I had two too many big ass needles stuck in my buttcheeks, and drank one too many disgusting big glasses of icky medicine that made me numb and sleepy. We had to cancel our show because of me. :( This makes me really sad. And the drugs made me super woozy. Which could explain the length and possible errors in this entry. Forgive me?
Anyway, I hope everyone had a magnificent Thanksgiving. More pictures from the trip to come soon. Don't worry, hopefully I won't be bored as hell and stuck on the couch, so they will not be included with long ass ramblings. :)
1 comment:
im very glad you made it to my birthday... you took very good care of me in my drunken state hah. fun times :)
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