Monday, December 1, 2008


This has gone too far.
I feel like nothing I do will make me feel better. My doctor won't change my medication. How, may I ask, am I supposed to feel better mentally if my medication makes me feel like shit physically? How am I supposed to improve if I feel like I can't get up out of bed because it hurts too bad? And what is the point of an anti-depressant that has a side effect of 'mood swings'?

UGH I'm so frustrated.


HannahJane said...

oh no :( im sorry! sounds like you need a new doctor.

Mary Conklin said...

dude. i'm having the same problem. my meds make me vomit every morning and by lunch my headache is so bad that i have to go to bed early and miss out on life.

what the hell?!

they say "pick your battles", i say "this is the same battle, i want to feel better- youre making me just feel bad differently"